with English version

■ハーバードの近くのBrattle Theatre にて勅使河原宏砂の女」。以前観たのはもう三年が四年か前になるので、いろいろなシーンを忘れている事に気付かされたのだが、結構いろんな事が映画の中で起っているんだなあ、と思った。女を縛り上るとか、自力で脱出するとか、この辺りは全然覚えてなくて、僕の記憶では、男が砂漠にやってきて、砂に囲まれた家に閉じ込められ、延々と反復的に砂かきをやっていて、その間に砂の表情を捉えたシーンが差し挟まれる、みたいな感じかなと思っていたのだが。実際、もっと物語展開からよけいなものを省いたほうが、フェティッシュに撮られた砂や水の感触がさらに生きるのではないかとすら思う。



Teshigawara's Woman in the Dunes at the Brattle Theatre. While seeing, Hitchcock's Rear Window came to my mind repetitively. As long as I searched via google, nobody mentions about the relationship though. The common thing that both have is that the relevance which is constructed by "watching man" and "watched man" is devided through the physical height, and the stories is droven via such differences. In Rear Window, James Stewart look down the room of the opposite apartment, and because of that, the relation between the murderer and he is formed. Such static relationship end up almost being broken at the very end the movie, when the murder comes to Stuwart's room. On the other hand, in Woman in the Dukes, Okada as a hero, the teacher who comes to the desert, is "watched man" on the lower side. Okada is invited to a house, where a woman lives, in a sand hole and captured by villagers. The man try every means to escape from the situation in captivity, where is in a deep sand hole. The villagers who caught him is looking down him all the time. Important here is that the man is not only "watched man" but also "watching man" equally. He "watches" the absurd situation through his rational thought, and more physically, "watches" the woman who lives here.